Healing testimony: Healed after decades of suffering and frustration…


Has anybody ever been tormented and frustrated by a sickness, a disease or any affection problem? Have you ever got a sickness which happens to be either very difficult or impossible for the doctors to cure? How did you feel, and how could your feeling be if you carried that handicap for more than 20 years of your life? I know that there are people who went through such situations or who are even going through such situations at the present time. 

After so many years in the silence ,  years of frustration, of life in a shadow the Lord now gives me the strength to  freely talk about what happened to me. Many people nowadays are living with such a problem, in a high level of stress and self critics, feeling ashamed for what is happening to them and not knowing what to do at all to get rid of that. Why do we need to worry all the time if we trust in the Lord? Where does our trust lie on? Do we need to be stressed or frustrated while the Lord exists? Is there anything impossible for the God we believe in? 

God Almighty, before anyone reads the words of this testimony given for the Glory of Your Holy Name, for your glory; given as the proof that the Holy Ghost is our witness for He is the one who through His Holy Power witnesses of your Mightiness and of your existence and Holiness…He is also the One witnessing the fact that we received the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior in our lives, through His presence in us; I pray You o Heavenly Father that they be touched by this testimony and put all their trust in You O our Almighty God and Father in the Heavens. I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ that Your Holy Ghost fills these words with His Power and Holiness. That all who reads this testimony and are in need of Divine Healing may have a strong Faith through this story no matter what disease they suffer from, and may believe in Your Power of Healing which is revealed in this testimony. and that to them may be done according to their faith. Whatever will be their disease, sickness or handicap…I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ that you who reads this testimony, be strengthen in faith by the Lord Jesus Christ and be restored your health by your Faith in the Healing Power of Jesus Christ Who healed the sick, gave the sight to the blind, untied the tongue of the dumb and brought the dead ones back to life!!!!Amen.

Something that always seems “Normal” turns “Abnormal”

   I am a young lady who actually grew up in what happens to be called a Christian family, though it did not always walk on God’s path. My childhood has been marked with ordinary things and phenomena which are considered normal for children of 0-6 years old. I mean things like pee in the pants or bed-wetting at night, fingers sucking etc. All this happened to me when i was a child and it was a normal phenomenon for my parents and relatives. However the bed-wetting at night seemed to have no stop for me. As I was growing up, the problem was getting worse and becoming recurrent instead of reducing and stopping like the one of other children. When I was having that problem while still in primary school, they thought may be it would stop when I go to secondary school, with age. Let me tell you that when the devil wants you down and he finds you with no spiritual foundations in Christ, he will probably bring you down.

Because my case was even getting worse with time, as everybody home was guessing that age will play a huge role on helping stopping that. I finally got to secondary school and was still bed-wetting. The situation started to put me under very strong pressure, for my parents would scold at me every time it would happen, they would punish me in different ways, thinking I purposely did it, or that I was just so lazy to wake up at night and ease myself properly. My life started to turn into a nightmare, I would wake up with shame and fear, I would  go to my bed with a huge fear. I was stressing for that everyday, worried permanently, scared of wetting my bed at night and be harshly blamed again. At the time I did not even know what it was, but I was suffering from Enuresis. 

As a relative or a parent we need to be very careful with our behavior toward someone who suffers…

You know, in certain situations, we often think that our relatives will understand us better than anybody else, but I was wrong. With my experience I came to the understanding that relatives are sometimes harsher than strangers, they are the first to blame you and to humiliate you. I do not say this in order for the reader not to trust his relatives anymore though, no way!!! What I would like to drum up is that we need to learn to be patient with those we love even if we do not clearly understand the situation, and not only with those we love but with everybody who suffers. We need to learn how not to humiliate others, especially when someone is suffering. Because it is very hard for the victim and this could generate a lot of hard and negative feelings such as great resentment that could lead to hatred, or in certain cases this could lead to self-hatred and suicide, which we will indirectly be guilty of. But it is true that when someone is going through a hard time, the first people we usually turn to are our relatives or close friends.

  Dear readers, brothers and sisters I knew it was a sickness only after almost two decades of suffering. One thing that none of us could even understand was the cause of that sickness. Before I knew the name of what was my life torment, I experienced a lot of shame, misunderstanding and humiliation from relatives who knew I had that problem. A proof again that even our relatives sometimes do not always accept us the way we are, but only One does it and that one is God. Some would humiliate me just because they were ignorant and others, just to hurt me.But loving parents always apologize to  their kids whenever they are wrong

  I remember my beloved mother did not understand me either in the beginning of all , she would scold, shout and punish me, but she knew nothing about that. She is the one who made the researches via the internet to see what it was. When she knew it was a kind of sickness, she cried, she apologized to me, and I did forgive her with all my heart. Once she knew that, she sent me to see a specialist on the matter at the hospital, what I immediately did. This is just a few to mention how frustrated I was. I even thank God after all this, that I never tried to kill myself though all was pretty difficult. Now I understand the Lord was watching over me, He had a great great and wonderful plan for me. It took me more than a year to finally be able to freely talk about this, but I always do it with the same excitement and happiness and gratefulness in my heart. Thank you Sweet Jesus!!!! 🙂

There are cases where pills are good for nothing and we need more…

  The Specialist gave me a huge pile of pills, because he claimed this was linked to affection problems and stress. The pills were almost the same a depressive person takes, I had to take 60 pills every month, and I do not even remember  how long I was supposed to undergo that horrible treatment. One thing that I do remember is that I took those pills for a while till I saw my personality getting transformed to which of a hysterical, nervous, susceptible person. Let me bring the precision that when undergoing that crazy treatment I was already studying at the University,so I can say that I was already a big girl. I wanted to have a boyfriend and live like other girls in the “world”. This issue was a sort of handicap for me. I would be scared to date, because I trusted nobody anymore, I thought that if ever I told what my problem was to a boy I would date then, whenever the relation comes to an end he could humiliate me by telling it to people if the guy was not a good person…

I finally had a boyfriend who was a very quiet boy and he finally knew about my issue. We broke up later, I could not even say if this problem was the hidden reason or something else.But anyway things were really frustrating for me.  I could not travel much or spend the weekend with friends because of that issue…I can let you guess the other things I could not do…

Old friends are better than new friends,always bless the Lord for good friends…

  I noticed that I was changing radically into an aggressive person , for I became aggressive with my best friend who was living with me, I would go mad for a very little thing, my head would ache me every day just as if someone was hitting a bell behind my ears. I thank God because my best friend is a real love, she supported me, she would even change the bed-sheets every time I came to wet it, she would clean them without saying a word, clean the bed and would never say a word to anybody. Then I knew the Real Friendship and the power and value of that word. It reminds me of Jesus and Lazarus. Real Friends who are worth than relatives …

We sometimes focus much more on pills that could even be destructive and worsen our situation

  I finally took the decision to stop those crazy pills before I went really mad, I threw them all away, then I turned back to my grand-ma’s recipes, which also did not help me at all. I would even decide to drink less water or almost nothing after 6pm, for me not to bed-wet, however all those practices brought me nothing. I tried so hard to understand the cause(s) of all that and the only thing I knew was that all would happen to me in a dream in which I would feel like pee, and I always would see a toilet close to me. I would go there and use them, all would appear so real to me that at that time I would not even think that I am dreaming, all would seem so real that it was only when I felt the coldness in my bed that I would wake up, and realize it was all a dream and I did really pee like in real life. I could not understand why I had almost the same dream every time and why I almost lost my consciousness at that particular moment and feel all like real and not like a dream.

Sometimes we stress much on the physical things (physical world) than spiritual things (spiritual realm)

That was my case, this can make us miss  a lot of understanding and opportunities in our lives.  I remember a beloved brother who is a strong believer told me one day it was a demon that has been disturbing me for decades. I was not really a true believer then, my faith was almost not existing, I was very lukewarm but I knew he was right. I did not know much about demons, I believed in God, but I did not have a right understanding of Christianity, I remember myself sometimes in those years attending the Catholic church but rejecting prayers to Mary and the saints… I had a belief that God exists, and that Jesus Christ is his only Son and our Savior, but I did not know about the Holy Spirit, the gifts and the things we have access to with Christ in our lives. I needed a spiritual growth in order to understand many things and in order to be healed. But I was not even conscious about that fact. The only thing I thought is that I just did not know how to handle things. 

God takes His children to the wilderness so He can use them, and they can serve Him

God gave me the grace to travel to another country and I could not imagine that was the beginning of His plan for me. Far from my family and “alone” or I’d rather say only HE and I to struggle against that monster. The old humiliations made me a strong person though and taught me how to handle on things in all discretion even if living with people, I already knew how to perfectly hide my flaw. With some of the boys I dated, I was honest and did tell them about that and they really supported me. I thank God we can still find some real men out there nowadays. However, being so discrete, and having a comprehensive boyfriend was not what I wanted. I wanted that nightmare to stop and I wanted to feel normal and free at last. I was actually feeling like in jail, in a cell like a rat. I was not free to travel a lot because I had that phobia in me: “What if it happens there???” Therefore you can just guess how my life was. But God is great, and He never sleeps nor slumbers, He was working in secret. He was preparing me for the miracle. It is only after I got healed that I understood, that the trauma I went through was but a prerequisite in order for me to step further.  This was so important that I went through all that trauma, so that I could know the Lord much better, seek Him more and finally so that I could understand the mechanism of Divine Healing and the meaning of Christianity and many other things. 

Going far from my family was necessary for me to get healed. Now I came to the understanding that my family would be a barrier to my spiritual growth, not because they do not love God, but only because their understanding of faith and relationship with God is completely different from the understanding I have now. Moreover there are things which are still difficult for them to understand. And I know the Lord wanted to use me in a place where there would be only HE and I. He wanted to polish me in a certain way and bless me so that I could be the one who would reflect His light and Glory in my family.

The Lord speaks to each of us in a certain way that fits our different personalities…

One day, after I had a big one-day-depression about my issue, after I cried in my room all alone, I finally cried to God (What I seriously never did before). Asking Him why all things worked like that in my life and why this could not stop after all the things I tried. But then I understood that it was actually the reason why things went worse. The simple fact that I never turned to the Lord and cried to Him with a broken and repenting heart was the main reason why things did not get better. How can you be cured if you do not see a doctor and explain him your problem? This is impossible!!!! How can the Lord help/heal you if you do not first ask Him for help/healing? The Lord himself said: “Ask and it shall be given unto you”, So if you are in need of anything you need to ask Him in order to receive it.Then with tears dropping from my eyes, while sitting in my bed, a voice from deep inside my soul spoke to me quietly and asked me to write to a certain church and tell them about my problem so that they could pray for me. I cannot even explain what happened at that very moment. All tears went away,  I felt so confident in that quiet voice so that I did not hesitate to do it. My letter however fell in the wrong hands, but God was still at work to show me How His Grace also follows people who put their trust in Him, those who come to Him with a broken heart. So the person who first received my letter forwarded it, and if I remember well, my mail was forwarded individually to approximately three or four different people before it reached the real recipient: a brother from the name of Matti who immediately wrote to me. I can still remember how all those who forwarded my mail to him mentioned on red color on the bottom or the top of my mail URGENT!!!!. 

Divine Healing has a mechanism which we need to know in order to receive it… 

The answer from brother Matti was so blessed that it brought me a leap of Faith even before I was sent the prayer for my healing. The day I received the prayer, it was attached with a very small piece of clothe of the size of a postal stamp. I was asked to put the clothe on the part of the body that was suffering/paining.  However I was not feeling pain in my flesh, so I was a little bit confused and started getting nervous. God came back to me and spoke again in my heart and told me to put the cloth on my waist and hold it with my hand and make the prayer. Believe me dear brothers and sisters, the prayer was not long or so amazing with sophisticated words. No, the only thing I was asked to do was to trust in the Lord, and to pray Him to cast from my heart any doubt, and this is what I did. I did it and I went to bed. That same night which I made the prayer the devil came to my mind and told me nothing would work and that I would bed-wet again as a proof that it is all stories. Believe me, fear invaded my heart that night and I did bed-wet again, and during two weeks I was persecuted by that spirit more than before I made that prayer. One Saturday night, I sat in my bed and started thinking, why is it not working???? while I did all I was asked to do. Then God guided me through a preaching He made me to listen that same day, and the preaching was about demonology and how to cast demons out. The preaching taught how demons behave when being chased out of a body. And the preacher said something that strengthened my faith. He said when we cast out one demon, he comes out and calls for reinforcements so they would be numerous and stronger and so that they would terrify and terrorize you more than ever. But if your faith is strong they will be defeated. Therefore, having faith for you is to call things that are not as if they were already there, moreover when we need Healing or something else from God our Father we should take possession of that thing with all authority, no matter what happens. Meaning we should consider we already have it.

Take your healing with authority and declare it with faith before it is even manifested…

  This helped me in knowing my position, and understanding that the evil spirit that had been persecuting me for more than 25 years went to call for reinforcements so that I would be confused and think God had abandoned me. I understood I had to make my faith move by accepting the fact that I was healed, though I would still wet my bed those days. I had to have authority before those evil spirits by letting them know that whatever they do, I know and strongly believe I am healed. The same Saturday night, after I understood all that, the Lord spoke in my heart again and told me exactly these words: “Tomorrow, wake up early, and go to church for the testimony that you are healed. Go and declare your healing before everybody in the church. Do not go late, if you do not take your healing with authority and declare it, you might never get rid of that spirit…” and He added “Do not pay attention to what happens after you declare it, be faithful and patient”

Always listen to the Lord talking to you… The next day which was Sunday I went to church and came exactly at testimony time. I gave my testimony and my Pastor and his wife prayed for me again, they laid their hands upon me. I went back home with Faith and happiness because I then strongly believed I was healed. I did bed-wet again few times after that but at rare occasions, then it finally stopped one day, which I do not even know exactly. One day I just realized that it’s been long it happen, and in fact all has stopped. Sometimes later when I had the same dream, I would wake up and touch myself and all was just dry!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! Nowadays I have good nights, no fear, no frustration anymore and no wet bed….Praise the Lord He is Able!!!!!!

  That step of my life helped me to understand what is the key of Divine Healing and how it works. I understood that some healing might be obtained spontaneously, and some with time, depending on cases, on people and on their faith which is the main factor of that Great Mechanism. Divine healing does not operate without a mechanism. It is a gift which needs to be accepted by the sick person. You ought to listen to the Lord in order to allow Him to work in you, in your life. You need to get rid of all fear, doubt and worry and totally surrender to HIM. Then keep faith, believe and declare and confess with your mouth and all your heart that the Lord has healed you, even if you see that the sickness goes worse. You may be reading my story today while you have a problem which could be similar to mine or different, I want you to know that when Jesus was on earth He did heal thousands of people and still does it through His Mighty Name, now that he is no more on earth. His disciples did cast demons in His Name, did heal people in His Name etc. You can also be healed if you believe there is a Power in that Name we call Jesus Christ of Nazareth. All you need is Faith and patience. Remember, that every time that Jesus healed the sick He said they should be done according to their Faith. So if you believe , you would also be done according to your Faith.”

   Dear brothers and sisters, I am not an expert in divine healing, no! The only thing I would like to do is to express my gratefulness to the Lord by sharing the testimony of my life, which He allowed me to experience by His Grace. I believe that this is a great testimony which can be helpful for all those who are sick and wish to recover their health. All we need is Jesus Christ and Faith and nothing more. If I had the small cloth and prayer they sent to me and all the preaching  discs or videos without even a small Faith, I would not be healed. Faith is the weapon against the devil. Remember also that all illness/disease is evil, because I believe that all things God created are good. Illness/Disease is but a physical manifestation of some spiritual fight or attack.  May God bless you all who read this testimony, and please share it with those who need healing. 

You can copy and paste the testimony or just send it with a link…


(Meg, 31/May/2012)

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