How are we spiritually attacked?

We are most often spiritually attacked and we do not even know and understand the strategies of the enemy. There are many types of battles going on in the world right now, because the time is set and the Lord’s glorious return is very close. As Christians we need to understand that the time is critical and we need more vigilance  than before. Our sight should be as sharp as the Eagle’s and we should think and reason twice more than before. The end is very close and the enemy is doing all his possible to draw more people to his side.There are two particular ways the devil attacks us that I would like to reveal here today: the first is our brain or better I would say our mind and the second is during our sleep.

We can be very quiet and nice people but there is a field in us which if it is scattered over we could really go mad…This is our mind. The enemy is very tricky and one of his best strategy consists on creating a great confusion in us by whispering any sort of evil thoughts in our mind. We sometimes think that some thoughts in our mind come from us, and when we see that we are so scared and confused at the same time. Once we are in that state of mind we are basically weak and there is a gate that opens for evil to invade our mind  and persecute us from the inner parts. At that particular moment we cannot make the difference between the real “person” we are and the “invader” and we begin to panic and depress. The enemy then takes advantage to introduce in us all sort of evil thoughts such as blasphemies, lustful thoughts, hatred, pride,suicide and many others.

The best way of fighting the enemy is to first of all recognize him and know his strategies. So the best way to overcome all this is first by knowing that it is an attack, a spiritual one taking place in our mind. The second thing to do is not to panic but to take it easy and bring all things to God through prayer and meditation. Praying God to purify us from the inwards to the outwards is very helpful, and mainly we need to always pray that He conforms our thoughts to His will. This is what is good to do: sometimes I read the psalms 64 which is a very powerful psalms for fighting evil and psalm 23 “ The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want…” which brings us confidence that the Lord is always with us, Psalm 139:1-7, 23-24 is also a very beautiful and powerful psalm to pray over ones thinking and mind. . We need to pray the Lord to reveal to us our real “person” and our real “thought”, we need to discern that there is a spirit of confusion upon this and we should cast him out. This is something very serious and many of us often fall into that trap and start crying when it is too much and we think those thoughts belong to us while it is not true! We should always rebuke them and not submit our mind to them.

There is another way the devil attacks us at night during our sleep and it is only by the Grace of the Lord that I came to understand what was that a month ago. This is called sleep paralysis, many Christians know that and many others also face that and do not know what it is. Well, I have been victim of such attacks few times in my life and I never knew it was a sleep paralysis. This is a state in the sleep where during your sleep you face a strange feeling, you are in a state of consciousness and you can even hear all the noises around you but at the same time you cannot even move your small finger because your body is literally like dead. It is really a horrible feeling, I remember the last time I had that it was in a train at night and I had a great fear. However the Lord is always with us, I did not know what was going on, I could hear all the noise around me, I could not scream, could not open my mouth, could not move at all even could not blink an eye. I felt as if something was trying to strangle me, as if there was something in my throat and I could not even utter a single little word. So I understood the only thing I could use was my mind. With my  mind I started calling on the Lord and praying Him to forgive me all my sins, I was praying Him to have mercy upon me and upon my mother. I thought I was dying and I could imagine how hard the news would be for my mother who was very far from me, in another country. So I started praying the Lord with my mind. This “telepathic” prayer really helped because all of a sudden I could move and I finally opened my eyes. In such cases of demonic attack, please do not panic and just let your mind focus on Yashua, He is our Redeemer and knows all our thoughts…

I understand even now that I am writing this that our mind is something very powerful, it is a strong instrument which the Lord gave us, and when in some case our body cannot work as we hope and wish then the mind is the only channel we can use for the battle. The enemy knows that and knows that the mind also is a sort of foundation in our lives. When that place is scattered  up we can become really mad and our life becomes a mess. We need to protect our mind from evil, in every prayer and meditation we need to do it. Our eyes and ears also need to be far from certain things, because the mind we have is like a receptor,  it receives a lot from the outer world. What it receives can be destructive or constructive to us, for instance every image that is seen by the eyes goes straight to the brain and once it reaches the brain thoughts begin to merge…the same happens with what our ears hear from the world. All these images and sound open some gates for demonic attacks in our minds that basically become the battlefields of such wars. Therefore it is always good to control what our mind (receptor) receives every day, the cleaner the information it receives are the safer we are.

May the Grace of the Lord be with you all….


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